Sunday, 15 July 2012

DIY: storage pots

Hello everyone!

This is just going to be a quick post. I originally saw this idea on one of my favourite blogs and thought it was such an easy yet effective thing to do so immediately had to try it! In Islay's post it gives a link to another blog explaining how to make the pots and you can find that link here. The pots can be used for many different things and at the moment mine are just holding random things.

The picture above is of the three pots that I have made so far, as you can see, I used different sizes and completely different patterns as I thought this looked quite quirky. The bottom picture is showing all the different wallpaper samples I got. I used many different websites to collect the free wallpaper samples for my pot and can't remember what ones (sorry!) but I just searched 'free wallpaper samples' into Google and that brought up all the websites that I ordered mine off so if you are interested in making these you can just do that!

Thanks again to Islay for making me aware of these amazing little pots! Go check her amazing blog out which can be found here.

Thanks for reading!



  1. yay! I'm glad you gave these a go! I love the patterns you've chosen and thankyou for linking my blog!xx

    1. Thanks! I loved the patterns too as they are so different from each other but all very nice! and no problem lovely! you're blog is worth telling people about!xx

  2. Replies
    1. I know and so simple to do! You should try it! xx
